

Workshop: MESHE, HESHE, MISON & ORBIT: The Interweaving Relationship of Self, Life & Other

This Workshop Meets Once Per Month and is designed for both newcomers and workshop repeaters. Space is limited.

When: Sunday, June 18th, 2017

Fee: $80 + $5 material fee ($85) per meeting

Particpants: New Comers & Repeaters, Children 9 to 15 are welcome with an adult

Registration: Payment in full via Venmo or Check (Full refund 48 hrs in advance, $16 cancellation fee for less than 48 hrs notice)

Location: Montecito, CA

Contact: Call Dr KD Farris at (310) 578-6163



Lecture: Liminal Space—A Passageway To Transformation

When: Date TBD 

Location: Santa Barbara, CA 

Contact: Please sign our guestbook to be notified of 2015 schedule of dates 


If you would like to be notified of upcoming events, please click here or on "guest book" in the right panel.

Previous Engagements

Workshop: Relationship—For Anyone Who's Ever Lost Themselves

Sunday, January 20th from 2:00pm to 5:00pm in Sherman Oaks, CA  


Workshop: Liminal Space—A Passageway To Transformation

with an Emphasis on Personal Transformation & Supportive Process

Sunday, October 21st from 2:00pm to 5:00pm in Huntington Beach, CA 


Lecture: Liminal Space—A Passageway To Transformation

with an Emphasis on Health & Healing

Sunday, October 14th from 7:30pm to 9:00pm in Malibu, CA


Participatory Lecture: The Topography of Liminal Space

with an Emphasis on the Overview of Liminal Space

IONS—Institute of Noetic Sciences, Sunday, September 23rd from 3:30pm to 5:30pm in Altadena, CA